
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Busy bunny

In August we made our (now, annual) pilgrimage to Alaska.

I ruined the vacation by injuring my hamstring on the second day, but we still had a great trip camping in Denali National Park, hiking around Winner Creek, Eklutna Lake and Crow Creek Pass.   We floated and fished the Kenai River (catch and release  - trout and Dolly Varden) and we saw eagles, bears, moose.  As always we ate well, relaxed, and I had a blast limping my way through the gorgeous scenery.

Sunny all day in the AK!
In early September I took a quick vacation to Seoul for a weekend (jet lag, wha??) and then to DC to visit D who was on a work trip.

Finally back home - to relax and to work - I am single parenting the Nug for a while.

There are a few neat things about being injured  - mostly, I get to go to Physical Therapy!  As a patient!  The hardest part is all the homework but it already makes a difference in my pain and strength.  The important thing is to accept that I caused my own delay in healing by returning to running too soon.  I still hope to run some fall races -- August and September were a total running wash. 

Exciting things ahead!

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